This is a middle aged Scots pine. As you can see, it still has a symetrical shape to it. In another 30 years it will look more like the one at the top of the page. Remember in planting any tree, that you plant not just for yourself, but for the next two generations.
Grown in the open, Scots pine tends to sprawl as they get old. I'm guessing it would take close to a century to get to this size in our climate.
Close-up. You can see how the needles are flat in cross section, and have a gentle curve to them. In the centre you can see next year's buds formed. The centre one will be the new leader, the side ones will each form a branch.
One of my scots pines, about 3.5 feet tall, ready for a new home. The central leader, the spike, is 1 year's growth.
Batch of scots pine in 2 gallon pots.
Scots Pine
Pinus sylvestris
This is a favourite for Christmas Trees, although ones raised for Christmas trees are sheered to make them more uniform in shape, and more full.
It's also often used forshelterbelts. Very hardy (zone 2) Very drought resistant once established.
They are nicely symmetrical when young. Tend to get a bit sloppy when old. (Reminds me of me...)
Good tree for rows as they tend to be fairly uniform in both colour and size from a given batch.
The needles are flat, having almost a ribbon appearance. They twist, and have very sharp tips.
Scots pine cones open while still atached to the tree.
The name is misleading. Their native distribution covers scotland, most of central Europe, the southern edge of Siberia and on through China. The seed source for my current trees come from the Ukraine, they have somewhat better winter color than most. (All of the two needle pines get a yellow cast to their needles in winter. I suspect that clorophyll breaks down in the sunlight, and is not rebuilt until the tree thaws out in the spring.
Features: This is the most clay tolerant of all my pines, and is the only one I really recommend for southern Alberta. Still: It doesn't like wet feet. If soil isn't well drained, plant on a slope.
Sun: Full sun preferred.
Water: Water monthly while getting established.
Fertilizer: Light feeder 1/4 to 1/2 standard dose.
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Sherwood's Forests is located about 75 km southwest of Edmonton, Alberta. Please refer to the map on our Contact page for directions.

Yearlings in my nursary. This is a good size to plant if you are on a budget. Just tall enough to be seen, but fast to plant.